


  • Is Brown & Root the same as KBR?

    Brown & Root Industrial Services, LLC. was established in 2015 as an independent corporation with investments by KBR and Bernhard Capital Partners (BCP). Brown & Root is separate from KBR鈥檚 business and operations.

  • What industries does Brown & Root serve?

    We serve the energy transition, alternative fuels, petrochemical, refining, pulp & paper, manufacturing,聽agricultural, midstream, terminal, and many other similar industries across North America.

  • What services does Brown & Root provide?

    We provide engineering, construction, maintenance, turnarounds, soft craft capabilities, and specialized services to customers, offering the most comprehensive services in the business.

  • How do I become a vendor, supplier, or subcontractor?

    In order to become a vendor or supplier, please complete all forms and provide documents required here: